Original Post
Do you think that there will ever be new colors in toribash?, like making a new force and relax color.

Would it be possible to make a force and relax like a glass reflection color, similar to a transparent texture but is visible.
Glass reflection we kinda already "have" (max graphics,ray tracing),but it isnt really a force color.
other than that i dont think it wold work,what about people who have low configs on computer?

For new force colors: maybe,no news until actually.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Always possible, you can ask it in the item forger's thread if you want to suggest a colour:

And there are always new colours possible, in the list of all force and relax combinations tompain even added some colours he would have liked to be implemented:
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Eah, why don't you get Joint textures and make the colors you want, also If it's a transparent force/relax that would be definite no.
I remember a rule about ''invisible head textures'' which is bannable, I don't think transparent force/relax will do good, but if it's a reflection similar to a glass, it might just kill your eyes.