Original Post
[e] members MUST READ
OK listen. I will be inactive in-game but as far as being on here I'll try to be active. Only time I'll be ingame are days that I am off. I done promoted the ones I know who'll do good recruiting and all. I trust in you guys to win wars and to bring us members. I done my job on my only 2 days off to get us on our feet, now its up to you guys to keep the progress going while I'm working. I'll be putting real USD toward the clan for events and stuff to get us out there and I'll be giving out real USD rewards at times for [e] members only. Around $10-$35. Don't let me down guys!!!
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
As Deak said in the general chat thread, I received an offer that I will have to reject from now, however, I will try to be active, if not as member, as ally of course, I don't have a PC, so I can't be active in game, I'm here to help, so pm-me if you guys need anything.
For new members, I was co leader and mod of Electric for sometime.