Original Post
So, I think whoever creates a shared bank can add people to it, and add tc to that bank. now, if the people who are added to the shared bank want tc/items from it, they can withdraw it.
You can make an alt account, which you can use as your bank and store all your tc on it. Once you've done that, you can go here: , on that account and add your main as a shared bank.
After that, when you are playing on your main, going to that page ( and use the "send tc" option will send tc to the person you want to, but from the bank account.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Originally Posted by iTemp View Post
Why cant i take items from someone if they put itens and tc as a bank i can get??

That doesn't make sense but if you're implying that if someone gives me access to their items then it should give them access to mine as well, that would be a bad idea, since you can give anyone access to your bank.
So people could just make alts and start banks with anyone they wanted and take their items.
Originally Posted by snarlar View Post
That doesn't make sense but if you're implying that if someone gives me access to their items then it should give them access to mine as well, that would be a bad idea, since you can give anyone access to your bank.
So people could just make alts and start banks with anyone they wanted and take their items.

You create a "bank" account, from there you can give your main account access to that accounts inventory, you can also give other people access to that accounts inventory, if you have a clan and you want to store clan donations n shit, you create a bank account and give all the high ranks access to it and they can withdraw it for events n stuff
tho you can use it for a lot more reasons n shit.

pics of stuff

Last edited by Iitekirito; Apr 27, 2016 at 03:36 AM.