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how ranked server work?
So im rank 3233 (not sure but around that) and i defeated people that ranked 3004 (ye i forgot) and the good thing is my rank changed to his rank and his rank changed to my rank.
And what i want to ask is i defeated poxpox that ranked 11 but my rank not changed to 11 . Just a little raise and poxpox rank changed to 13.
So how to get high rank ?? .-.
Sorry if this dumb question + bad english
Im kid ._.
when you win your rank goes up when you lose your rank goes down. I don't think it matters who you win or lose to
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It works by the commonly used ELO system.
You start off with 1600 points at the start of the month, and whenever you win/lose, you win and lose elo respectively. It does matter who you win or lose to, since if you lose to someone who has a much worse rank then you'll get a worse rank than if you would if you lost to someone close to your rank. same goes for winning. win to rank 1, you'll get ranked up more, win to someone who's at the bottom, you'll get a very little rank gain
to get a high rank, you need to keep winning matches, not to mention that you have to be active, or you'll lose your rank.

also, it doesn't always exchange the ranks. it doesn't give a really high rank just because of one match, for example. the 'rank stealing' (its what its called) occurs when ranks are only a little bit far apart.
Last edited by Oxide; Apr 25, 2016 at 05:26 PM.
Your ranks switched because your elo was higher than the elo of your opponent. Even though his rank was better, so you switched when you won.
But when fighting poxpox, he has an elo of approximately 1630+, while with a rank of 3000, I expect you to have an elo of around 1602. If you get an elo higher than him, so also somewhere above 1630 and win, you will get his rank. But this requires you to win about 30 games in a row in a ranked servers, or win even more with losing from time to time.

Just keep in mind, winning gives you about 1 elo point +, while losing gives you 1.5-2 elo points -.

It's a pretty complicated system, you can google it up.
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Yes, it also depends who you fight against. If you only win against noobs, your rank won't be high but your elo would get pretty decent.

You can view your elo by typing /stats disqualify ingame
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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