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What do you eat when your sick?
I was sick recently and my friends and i had a little talk about this. While my mom usually makes me lemon ginger tea and someone type of spicy mix of spices to soup and for dinner i usually just have plain rice but one of my friends said he has crackers, some toast with butter and cinnamon on it and cereal. I personally would never have that while sick so i was wondering what other people eat
10:22 AM <cocacobra> honestly tll was cool at first
10:22 AM <cocacobra> but now everyones kinda cunty
sick as in? vomit or fever or something like that?

if i'm sick as in vomit i will try to ignore it, or eat some cookies.

if im sick as in fever or something, soup.
if i'm sick it's usually cause all the bitches are botherin' me
so if that's the case, i be eatin' pussy

ain't no one respect pimpin' these days??
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Vomit sick = Apple sauce & water, 2 days after vomiting because it always comes back up

Regular sick = Usual things. I just ignore it.
Originally Posted by Reshiss View Post
Regular sick = Usual things. I just ignore it.

but why? ignoring it can be threatening. if you have a fever, or some other stuff, if by regular sick you mean coughing then do whatever you want
If it's a cold, i just deal with it. Normal times. If i am throwing up. I literally don't eat anything and drink a lot of water.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I rarely get sick. But when I do, it's just sneezing & a stuffy nose.

Take some nasal spray then go back to Snickers & Garry's Mod.

WeooWeoo is just like me.
I usually try to down some chicken noodle soup, and if i'm throwing up quite a bit, i'll have some pedia light.
I et ice cream when I'm sick and a shit tonne of grilled, fried food it's amaze
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