Original Post
How much TC would you need for a global betting server? I've really wanted to start one xD.
bby ;-;
<ZENBOY123> "Skip"
<SkipBySkip> "Shit, what have I done now?
you need 10k to global
10:22 AM <cocacobra> honestly tll was cool at first
10:22 AM <cocacobra> but now everyones kinda cunty
Originally Posted by SkipBySkip View Post
How much TC would you need for a global betting server? I've really wanted to start one xD.
bby ;-;

Use this to global, it tells you all about the price right at the top (10k normal, 5k VIP, Free for ES)
Just setting up a betting server is totally free, just make a server, set the rules and give it a catchy desc.
But to make it run good most people global their servers (, this costs 10k for normal members, but you can ask any toriVIP to do it for you, and you'd save 5k. Next to this some people tend to have a starting decapprize of about 1-10k.
So that makes about 10-20k to start the server, once it's become populair you'll earn that back in no time, but it's not guaranteed.
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