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Staff Privileges
Just wondering what all the staff privileges are, like the increased avvy/signature size.
depends entirely on which staff position someone is really

though the one thing they all have in common as of recently, is toriprime (excluding lmods i think)
Last edited by Arctic; Mar 28, 2016 at 02:45 AM.
Sig, avy, title limits removed. Many have custom names/prefixes/user cards too.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by Scorpio View Post
only search function and mostly because it helps with the job, staff doesn't get anything else for free.

pretty much this.
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
What do you mean by custom usercards? Haven't seen any of those.

Lots of people used to have clear cards, I think Gynx did (or still does) have everything removed from his.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
We've decided to give Toriprime-type perks to all usergroups contributing to the community. The following usergroups can now customize their usertitles, have larger avatar size (minimum 110x110px, 60kb, depending on the usergroup), can upload and use signature pics (450x100px, 350kb), can search the forums, and have access to the ToriPrime board:
  • Super Moderators
  • Event Squad
  • Market Squad
  • Clan Moderators
  • Developers
  • Item Forgers

This is really the only perk that is actually "a perk". However, the avatar size is only 10x10 pixles larger than regular users, and the fact that they can also have a sigpic.
Toriprime does give the search function, which is useful in quite a bit of things. There aren't really any other "perks" included unless it has to deal with you needing it to do your specified job. (being able to infract, being able to check infraction history, being able to check for alts/mains, ingame admin, etc)

Hope that answers your question.
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It depends on what kinda staff you are. I'm not sure what kinds there are but I know for a FACT that their not the same.
<ZENBOY123> "Skip"
<SkipBySkip> "Shit, what have I done now?
Event Squad members get free globals.

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean