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Rule for Pinging in Duels?
I've never dueled, but now i kinda want to start it. My Internet gives me alot of Problem in Various Places but now my Question is : How does pinging in Duels get handled?

Sometimes my internet shuts off... sometimes my Repeater shuts off and i dont get a signal ... sometimes my internet goes down to 86k/bits and thats not enough for the Server so i ping, and that would be fatal in a duel wouldn't it?

Do i have to make that out before the Duel? or do i just continue dueling after thee ping? is there a Time Limit to reconnect after pinging?
Well, if you disconnect/ping while being in a duel, you loose it and the opponent gets the tc. There is no time limit to reconnect, you'd just loose.

I recommend fixing the router/repeater problem to get a stable connection if you want to duel. If you need any help, pm me.
I'm only cleaning here..
Originally Posted by Icky View Post
4. If a player disconnects during a duel, it is counted as a loss for the disconnecting player, unless they both agree to have a rematch. In the event of a player who either intentionally or accidentally cannot complete the match, they will be considered in violation of the duelling agreement, and forfeit the duel as a whole.

Basically, you lose, unless your opponent is nice enough to agree to a rematch.

It doesn't matter how fast you reconnect.

Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post
Basically, you lose, unless your opponent is nice enough to agree to a rematch.

It doesn't matter how fast you reconnect.

What if that ping was actually the dueler opposing you who was ddosing you, and you actually had proof (somehow)?
Originally Posted by JuicyTin View Post
What if that ping was actually the dueler opposing you who was ddosing you, and you actually had proof (somehow)?

then you make a report, with your proof and it gets dealt with appropriately

Originally Posted by Shockey911 View Post
then common sense would tell you that he would get in trouble for dosing someone.

what I'm really asking is if the person will get back his TC
No, because players are greedy. But if the player has a heart, he'll give back the TC.

Dueling is your choice. If you end up getting bankrupt, blame yourself ;o
Originally Posted by JuicyTin View Post
what I'm really asking is if the person will get back his TC

If your DDOS'd during your duel, have proof, and the guy get's banned - your TC will be refunded.
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