Original Post
Help I Guess?
So like under your name on the forums it will say something like "Member" or "Forumite" or "ub3r" depending on how much you've posted. But how do you get a custom one? For example "its a custom thing"
oh yeah i forgot to mention, with toriprime it's a discount to change it, and with VIP it's for free how much you want
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
This too.

I bought mine for around $7.5 like 1 and half year ago (current usertitle)

Apathetic User
Originally Posted by dr_who View Post
This too.

I bought mine for around $7.5 like 1 and half year ago (current usertitle)

This is not available ATM since sir is inactive.
Managed to get some of those customizations for tc (15k/usd rate) but a. I doubt they will do it anymore until they actual make that publicly possible and b. they did not want to sell me the usertitle custom as the usertitle shop exists.
My signature is also relevant here. Provides slightly more options than the usertitle gadget in the ToriShop though, since I'll allow you to do most BBcode (no images, no youtubes, no spoilers, nothing super-fuckhuge, and particularly complicated usertitles may not be possible).
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!