Original Post
[A] Beerus Head
Artist: Calamity
Previous Owner: Beerus (or myself)
Size: 512x
Recolor: No
Starting bid: 10k
Autobuy: 40k
Min Raise: 1k
Time that the bid ends: 3/12
Last edited by Chroni; Mar 11, 2016 at 03:10 AM.
1k, I guess

(what is the difference between min bid and starting bid? )


(in response to your comment below):

Thats not what a min bid is,

thats a min raise, please fix that :C

this is misleading.
Last edited by Veoo; Mar 11, 2016 at 12:23 AM.
Starting bid is what the first bid has to be, then the rest of the bids would have to add 1k or more
For Example: I bid 10k, then you would have to bid 11k or more

Edit: Ok fixed
Last edited by Chroni; Mar 11, 2016 at 12:45 AM.