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[Rel]Thor's Hammer
Thor's Hammer
In this mod you and uke has a hammer, but not ordinary one. This one is bouncy, instagib and Thor's hammer! It's bouncy because of it's power. When it hit's something the power release and shoot of the bodypart. When the both hammers hit the power is so big it can rip your hands off or just make hammers go to hell XD.

Sorry for so big pictures :/
How about attaching the mod? ;)
Looks interesting, and for some reason, it's the exact same thing as i thought
it would be when i saw the title. Which is good.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
just tested it, it needs less instagib and more bounce, if its a shitload of bounce itll litterally explode the part you hit off, which is awesome.
You want something like that:
but that's not possible. It would be glitched and when hammer would hit hammer it would rip your hands and your body. It maybe would be fun, but you don't wanna se a guy just throw a hammer on floor it bounces, hits you and you ASPLODE.
Last edited by Danvari; Oct 6, 2008 at 12:30 AM.
It's pretty cool. But hammer throwing gets a little tedious when it comes to making a cool hammer throw. I just might suck at single player though :P

I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
Originally Posted by dengue View Post
where is the mod??

He already said he didn't attach it because we already have it in our folders, just check in the mods on your toribash. It's called "Thorshammer.tbm".
It makes me wonder..