Original Post
LAN Servers, Private Games?
I am new to Toribash and am trying to figure out if there is a way to host a LAN server and/or make a private game (password protect, set number of people that can enter, etc.). I've looked through all the options and searched the forum and haven't had any luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
/passwd <insertpassword> <--- Sets a password.

Private games or "non-static" servers are player made, press C on the multiplayer screen to make one. Although, you don't get any TC unless you have a booster, this is made to prevent farming.
It makes me wonder..
here's a tutorial

start things off with a / then the command after it

/set mod [mod.tbm] (also as rise said, it's caps sensitive,if the mod has a capital in it,make sure to add that capital ;)
/set matchframes (or mf for short)
/set turnframes (or tf for short)
/set engagedistance (or ed for short)

you get the point ;)

you can always type /set in for a list of everything you can set.