Original Post
Is Multiclient in tourneys acceptable?

Saw this person multiclienting in the server
I don't exist
I think it's prohibited in public servers, so no. I think you should contact a GM when someone does it.
I'm only cleaning here..
I think someone authentically multi-clienting for farming purposes is against the rules, but me and my brother Balloffire play on different Pc's in the same room and it marks us as "fly ass mc's" haha jk, it marks us as basically cheaters. I don't really care because I'm not doing anything wrong, but I find it kinda strange
Originally Posted by FleshMon View Post
its not allowed in tourneys but in private servers you can do it

No, It's not allowed if you MCing in the same room and play with yourself alone. It's like qi farming.
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Hi, just did a quick search in the FAQ board and found this on the global rules.

Originally Posted by Global Rules
Multiclienting occurs when two or more clients are connected to any one room from the same network. When this occurs, (MC) appears next to the names of multiclienting account. Multiclienting is forbidden in any official servers. Players are allowed multiclient in private rooms.

I suggest you try to make some research before posting a thread, it will give you the best asnwer quickly, especially because the question you asked is very common, so that it is in the FAQ board.

If you see someone multiclienting on official serves feel free to report that in the general report board, providing the screenshots that prove what you are saying, since that's the proper place for this kind of report to be posted.

I'm going to close this thread since your question has been answered, in order to avoid people showing up and posting the same information again. Feel free to reopen this if you have another relevant information to add though. Have a nice day.
Last edited by Daedalus; Nov 2, 2015 at 09:16 PM.