Original Post
I just love soundtracks in games /movies etc etc
especially good ones
post here what u find the best soundtracks sometimes i might play a game just for its soundtracks;>
my list so far:
Command and conquer:
Ra2 and yuri:mostly all of them but the best is hell march 2,brain freeze and Grinder
Generals zero hour:the usa theme song is pretty bad ass
Torchligh:Every single one!!(the mapwork is prertty bad ass too)
Dues ex: The Synapse (Hong Kong Streets) and the theme song
FTL soundtrack
Doom 2 level 1 music and all quake soundtracks
Fo3 and fallout new vegas music
mega man 2 and tetris
mass effect
Portal 1 and II
These music make me so hyped i can include which is my fav from every game and looks like i need to orginize my thread more
let me know yours ;3(movies included too!)
INB4 14 days ban
Fucking hell
Now I need to play/watch these games
Another motive to play it ;>
Also soundtracks from unreal tournament
Am I the only one who thinks soundtracks are made much better than real music
They make real music to get money so they don't really care about the listener
Unlike soundtracks which made made to make a better experience for the player/watcher
INB4 14 days ban
Undertales soundtrack was pretty fantastic, I finished the game days ago but still have some of its songs stuck in my head
oh yeah
Originally Posted by VIDEOGAMES View Post
Undertales soundtrack was pretty fantastic, I finished the game days ago but still have some of its songs stuck in my head

came here to post this


oh yeah
I'll post the ones that come to the top of my head (for video games)


Last edited by MrJingles; Oct 24, 2015 at 06:54 PM.
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