Original Post
Is there a cap on characters in threads?
I plan on keeping all my event logs on my clan thread, and over time, the list of logs is going to become gigantic.

Originally Posted by Godly Clan Page


^This isn't even done yet. I'm going to have multiple categories with logs coming in almost every day. If there's a cap on how many characters there can be on a thread, I might not be able to keep the logs on our main thread.

I'm just gamin' man
There is no known max in a thread, I've seen threads with over 20k posts, and the per post limit is 100k characters. So even if that's the limit total (which it isn't since like I said, threads OVER 20k posts) then that's over 2 billion characters.

The longest line you posted: "12/20/15->12/25/15, God Is Watching, Public, GoldForce + GoldTorso + 20k - TheGod, SphinxForce + SphinxTorso +10k - 0Achieve0" is 125 characters

You could have 16 million such lines before you filled up the imaginary 2 billion char limit.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
There is a maximum amount of characters/words you can have in a post, I tried to spam a billion words into a single post once but that didn't work, I think the character limit was either 200.000 or 2.000.000
dreamy suicide act