Original Post
Head Texture Uploader's Messed.
Yep, about an hour ago I uploaded a rough version of my new head tex. And to this point, nothing's happened. So I go back to the uploader to see that the little preview JPEG there has turned into a big, reverse color grainy pile of mush and compile errors. Well, it was working when I uploaded it the first time around, so that threw me off. I tried it again, same thing. I looked at the file, nothing wrong with it. It's a transparent .TGA file saved in gimp, compression thingy is set to off. I checked the autoupdate log, nothing, FAQ is no help. I'm pretty much at ends.
Same Thing with my head. But it's not black and white. Won't load, FAQ's arn't helping.
There must be something wrong there, cause it should be 49 kb(w/o alpha channels) or 64kb(with alpha)

Check if it has been compressed or saved accidentally with the wrong settings. Or if in doubt, save it as a 24bit PNG file and the texture uploader should convert it into the appropriate TGA file.
I redid the alpha channel and saved to to a compressionless .PNG, it worked perfectly. Must be a bug somewhere along the line.

Thanks for the tip.