Original Post
[B] Forces & Relaxes
Title,ill pay with tc
Offer under market price please
~120k to spend
Last edited by dylan86; Aug 18, 2015 at 08:29 PM.
Originally Posted by SuBZ3rO3 View Post
Imperial force 50k

Not interested sorry,i can offer 35k if you want

Originally Posted by Godjin View Post
Tell me what force you need or looking to buy.

acid,amber,azurite,camo,cobra,copper,demon,gold,hu nter,magna,pharos,platinum,pure,quicksilver,radioa ctive,toxic and vampire
Originally Posted by zhuyuan View Post
Magnetite force and lax - 22.5K

Offer under market price please
Originally Posted by dylan86 View Post
Not interested sorry,i can offer 35k if you want

I have a 43k offer so nty. Sorry for your time.
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Acid relax 2.7k
Amber force 5.2k
Amber relax 2k
Azurite force 37k
Azurite relax 36k
Camo force 1.1k
Camo relax 800 tc
Cobra force 4.6k
Cobra relax 3.7k
Copper force 2.6k
Copper relax 1.7k
Demon force 83k
Demon relax 36k
Gold force 5.2k
Gold relax 5k
Pharos force 9k
Pharos relax 7k
Platinum force 38k
Platinum relax 25k
Pure force 20k
Pure relax 10k
Toxic force 3.2k
Toxic relax 1.7k
Last edited by Godjin; Aug 18, 2015 at 09:25 PM.
Originally Posted by Godjin View Post
Acid relax 2.7k
Amber force 5.2k
Amber relax 2k
Azurite force 37k
Azurite relax 36k
Camo force 1.1k
Camo relax 800 tc
Cobra force 4.6k
Cobra relax 3.7k
Copper force 2.6k
Copper relax 1.7k
Demon force 83k
Demon relax 36k
Gold force 5.2k
Gold relax 5k
Pharos force 9k
Pharos relax 7k
Platinum force 38k
Platinum relax 25k
Pure force 20k
Pure relax 10k
Toxic force 3.2k
Toxic relax 1.7k

Too close to market price,i'll counter...give me time to do it ;)
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
That list ^

Vulcan Force 22k

Its over market price,so no tnx