Original Post
[S] Duals
Hello today I'm selling dual hand flames forged by Lexx.


If you wanna check how both of them look like in game type in ur chat:
/lf 0 1522/1523 or dl lp me
Pls no stupid offers
TC only.
Originally Posted by SuBZ3 View Post
Whats the min you would accept for these?

hm 70k is my min but I don't think that I would accept suck offer
but I'm looking for ~100k for them
Originally Posted by fantomeex View Post
Hello, 55k.

Hello and read pls my quote above
Originally Posted by crith View Post

More pls :3
Originally Posted by SuBZ3 View Post
Nvm Outbid aleredy ;-;

kk sorry
Originally Posted by fantomeex View Post
65k, nice and slowly

well I'm still looking for more
but if I won't get any higher offers I'd probably accept yours