I think it was cool. The freecam was good in my opinoin. CC eeeh... I could not see it. Sync. Kind of bad. But kind of good at the same time

Originally Posted by SweeYollo View Post
I think it was cool. The freecam was good in my opinoin. CC eeeh... I could not see it. Sync. Kind of bad. But kind of good at the same time

thank you

I will practice more in sync with some rpl to spar I am choosing now.
For some reason it makes me upset whenever I see someone repeat the same transition over and over again that everyone else does, I suggest trying something different
I don't know if this is intentional or not but at the end of the video there was some sort of screenshake, make sure to zoom in a bit in the video before you do that so you don't get those annoying edges
Also, make your uke deafult. I hate looking at uke with different items on without it having a nice graphical reason to.

Your camera work has gotten better, but the player and uke sometimes aren't in the middle of the shot and sometimes they're just too far away.
In the beginning of the the video the camera wasn't moving that too much and it wasn't focusing in on the tori
At 0:35 the camera goes through the tori, don't do that.
0:55 the camera was all over the place
At the very end of the video, the camera just kind of goes right. I think it would have looked a lot better if it was instead following the head, or at least you could have followed it correctly while having the two toris in the shot.