Original Post
The Famous Replay Thread
I am more than rusty

but ok

I'm not really motivated for tb, so I'm posting this here in hopes of getting some recognition thus inspiring me to make more

please do criticize

(if anybody got the title reference, post it with your cnc)
Attached Files
crs - Love.rpl (134.3 KB, 13 views)
crs - Cranked.rpl (159.5 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by Course; Jun 29, 2015 at 11:03 AM.
Love - opener was slow and weird, unique dms
followup was slow and probably could've gotten more dms
that next hit is pretty cool but something about it is weird in a good way
reking the crotch wasn't really necesarry and didn't add much but hey dms
nice spin no landing

Cranked - unorginal opener and slow once again
dm with ankle joint pls
the way you used your leg to open up the crotch is interesting but not all that flowy
decap pls put more effort in it
okay skeet i guess

work on your movement mang
alright guy