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2 questions about making an betting server
first question how do you color your server name desc?

second question do you have to pay anything to make a betting server?

Question has been already answered lol
Last edited by jkawig; Jun 26, 2015 at 09:04 PM.
Answer of question 1:
Put ^0(Other Numbers).

/desc ^01Awesomeness.

The ^01 word will automatically gone and the "Awesomeness" word will be colored.
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for question 2
yes,you gotta have some chunk of tc to make a bet server,10k for a global and some decent amount of tc for the decapprize
Originally Posted by thecrash12 View Post
for question 2
yes,you gotta have some chunk of tc to make a bet server,10k for a global and some decent amount of tc for the decapprize

what does globaling do?
betting servers without Decap prize have a not reasonable point.
You must add a little then ask people to add on nudges.
what keeps people in is the decapprize,
it makes selfbets and nudges work.
Sometimes you don't have to pay anything at all, but that's usually when you have well-known players in the server already, then people just join on their own, without the need for a global.
For decapprize, it's not necessary either, but it does work as a good incentive for people to join.

Overall, if you want to spend tc so your server has better chances of picking up, 10k for global (5k if you find a vip), and 5k to get the dp started.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
go here and type something with the /jo (room) .
also when u make a betting server better type /home (ur name) to get 10% of the lost bets
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