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Elite Items
What are the items that u can get only if u have Elite belt ?
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
All items.

Because when you reached costum belt you're already able to get all kind of items with high qi.
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Originally Posted by Raiken View Post
All items.

Because when you reached costum belt you're already able to get all kind of items with high qi.

thats not true raiken there are still items like totem of mwah which needs more then 20k qi
That item isn't tradeable or buyable. Is an item from a GM event which i forgot its name. You can't get that thing anymore.
GM gifts sometimes is not buyable from Shop or Market.
Or even un-tradeable, depens.
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The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.