Original Post
Why is the price of the elite pack 500$? Isn't that a little too high?

Also, why are there orc, chronos and gladiator packs? If they only require 20 qi, and you can't send items to someone who has 20 qi, isn't there no point in having them?
Not to mention these packs are to support Nabi, and that the items that are no qi, such as the Elite Pack, most definitely SHOULD NOT be thrown around to users freely.

Look on the brightside; The Elite Pack cost is better than buying them all individually,
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Fear sucks eggs
Dude think a little bit 500 dollars for the pack, but if u would be a beginner with 500 dollars just buy 2x 10k qi for dunno the price but lets say 100 dollars

so u got 20k qi for 100 dollars and u got 400 leftover dollars to buy those items

i dont find the logic
If you were to buy the Elite pack vs all of the packs that come in it separately. You'd save nearly $400. I think it's worth it for those who want those packs.
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Originally Posted by Swavesv2 View Post
Packs are basically just collectors items then?

Not anymore. Packs stopped being collectors as soon as they became available for purchase on Torishop. Nonetheless, it is a good way to get no qi items for a reasonable price.
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Better way instead of buying each no-qi items in the market. It's overpriced as heck.
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