Original Post
Clan Points
Okay, so my clan warred 6 days ago, verse WAPOW, and won some points.
This took my clan to 780.
My clan then warred again today, won 10-6, and it took our points back to 768?
Why are points deducted, in general, and how is that fair?
father of philip scone
[11:40] <Donkey> Can someone explain to me why my clans points went down after winning a war?
[11:40] <Triton> sometimes clan points drop
[11:41] <Donkey> For what reason?
[11:41] * PsyTrance ( has joined #support
[11:41] <Triton> you warred 6 days ago right
[11:42] <Triton> so since then your clan points may have dropped a bit
[11:42] <Donkey> Why would they drop?
[11:42] * PsyTrance ( Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[11:42] <Donkey> or why do they* I should say
[11:43] <Triton> Not necesarily sure
[11:43] <Donkey> Yep, we need a new system
[11:43] * Donkey ( Quit (Quit: )
[11:44] <Triton> You'd be better off asking an admin or something, but i'm pretty sure they drop after you haven't warred in a bit
[11:44] <Triton> ah shit he left.
[11:44] <Triton> k.
[11:45] <%JtanK> how do you know your clan points dropped
[11:45] <Triton> He left
[11:45] <%JtanK> bleh
[11:45] <Triton> he wasn't very specific
[11:45] <%JtanK> afair points are secret
[11:45] <%JtanK> only ranks are shown
[11:45] <Triton> no
[11:45] <Triton> if you hover your cursor over the rank it'll show the clan points and everything
[11:46] <%JtanK> oh I didn't know that LOL

Stick around for the whole story next time what Triton said sounds like a reasonable explanation. Or maybe PM a clan mod. ;o
Full story? Still no explanation there.
Also, I'm asking why they drop in general - I do realise it's for not warring.
What's the theory behind it?

Also, this only started happening for the past 2 wars my clan executed...
Last edited by Donkey; May 30, 2015 at 03:03 AM.
father of philip scone
In my period of leading clans I've noticed this happen as well. Clan points tend to "deteriorate" when a clan doesn't war in a while to keep the ranks balanced i guess. This could also be untrue considering points tend to drop sometimes even if a clan wars daily (this happens to more than just one clan at a time, not sure if it's all of them at once though).

But yeah, i believe a dev would probably be the best person to ask.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris