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[fl0w]The Great Comeback Tournament #1

Last edited by William; May 10, 2015 at 01:01 PM.
Your messed up world enthrills me
I dunnoooo... I think we need to forget the "mandatory comebacks" rule for events & tournaments, it's just too much of a pain in the ass to enforce, the line separating running from dodging or simply failing away is pretty thin ! And the community generally responds pretty badly to it.

When people play for the win it's too tricky to enforce those kind of rules, we need to shape the meta-game of the mods we want to use to limit un-fair play and encourage the players to fight, like I'm trying to do with wushu_2015.tbm ;p

What's Obscu's mod ?

check it. i made one which is pretty much..a lot more casual. you have to touch that blue ball with your hand to trigger the win.

it's kinda encouraging comebacks, but that's not the main point. the main point is that the faster person, with more precision will be able to win. ofc i would apply the rule of no openers..since people can design the course in sp

if you really think wushu2015.tbm is ready, we can do a tournament with that!

I'm just glad someone replied, can't wait to hear your opinion. ^^
Your messed up world enthrills me
I agree with deprav that the "always comeback" rule is outdated and not well received by most of the communtiy.

Since i dont have enough hope in the development of tb i never posted the healthbar suggestion i told u about in the fl0wtourney thread but its mostly covered in the suggestion by odlov about alternative victory conditions- and maybe its for the better when this suggestion is brought up(not that it is a new suggestion by any means lol) by a tb legend - instead of me who barley has 200 post in 6 years.

Since a lot of ppl agree with the suggestion and its disscussed a lot my suggestion to u william is to make this event in normal wushu3 with 2000 frames and a dojo(or wushu 2015) with a healthbar and and allow everything.running, poinholding etc.. since contacts are assured to happen.

Ofcourse people have to post all replays for conformation that the damagethreshold has been reached.
Originally Posted by William View Post

check it. i made one which is pretty much..a lot more casual. you have to touch that blue ball with your hand to trigger the win.

it's kinda encouraging comebacks, but that's not the main point. the main point is that the faster person, with more precision will be able to win. ofc i would apply the rule of no openers..since people can design the course in sp

if you really think wushu2015.tbm is ready, we can do a tournament with that!

I'm just glad someone replied, can't wait to hear your opinion. ^^

Ahhhhhhhhh I see ! Like the event who exclusively be about comebacks and movements and not fighting ? That could be fun ^^ another way to promote wushu only through an aspect of the mod (free movement). I like it !

We could do a true wushu tournament with wushu_2015.tbm with no "external" rules to enforce later anyway.
Originally Posted by xXKaneXx View Post
I agree with deprav that the "always comeback" rule is outdated and not well received by most of the communtiy.

Since i dont have enough hope in the development of tb i never posted the healthbar suggestion i told u about in the fl0wtourney thread but its mostly covered in the suggestion by odlov about alternative victory conditions- and maybe its for the better when this suggestion is brought up(not that it is a new suggestion by any means lol) by a tb legend - instead of me who barley has 200 post in 6 years.

Since a lot of ppl agree with the suggestion and its disscussed a lot my suggestion to u william is to make this event in normal wushu3 with 2000 frames and a dojo(or wushu 2015) with a healthbar and and allow everything.running, poinholding etc.. since contacts are assured to happen.

Ofcourse people have to post all replays for conformation that the damagethreshold has been reached.

yep agreed, but that's not what I was trying to do. Just a cb showmanship thingy. ^^
I love your idea though. I'll surely think about it.

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Ahhhhhhhhh I see ! Like the event who exclusively be about comebacks and movements and not fighting ? That could be fun ^^ another way to promote wushu only through an aspect of the mod (free movement). I like it !

We could do a true wushu tournament with wushu_2015.tbm with no "external" rules to enforce later anyway.

Yes exactly. I'll post a few screenshots of the mod, and maybe it will all be clear. You can even suggest ideas about the mod, I'm fairly competent in modding.(it's easy anyway) Suggestions..such as it's too hard..

I don't want it to be super hard people will get frustrated..and not too easy. This is why I'm modifying Obscu's mod. It was pretty tough, even for wushu fanatics like us.

We'll definitely do the other tournament after it..or before it depends on what you guys want. Could you send me the picture of the point system for your mod?
Here is the mod:

Your messed up world enthrills me
noice noice !

Maybe state somewhere at the top of the page in bold that's it's not wushu fights but completely based on movements and comebacks, to be sure people understand ^^