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\o/ Butter's Slippery Replays \o/
Welcome to my slick replay thread

I would like for CnC's to be not a simple "ur bad" or anything of that nature. Have some thought into it. Im looking for good advise.
Hope u like em ^_^
Go to the last page please!
Cuz the ones before it suck

Gimme some CnC \o/
| Lots a replays
Last edited by Butter6699; Jul 29, 2015 at 12:52 AM. Reason: GIMME SOME CNC :D
try to space out the timing of posting your replays, like 1 or 2 at a time. the chances of you getting cnc on a random one of those is rlly low cuz theres no emphasis any any 1 replay. most ppl will only watch say the first of second. i'll come back to this thread tomorrow cuz its 1:30 am, but if i remember i'll definitely watch a few :D
Yea i thought that it would be too much too. I started making them about a month ago and they are the product of pure boredom. I would want 8, both 9's, 10, 11, second 20, 21, 23 and 26 watched the most bc i put the most time into those ones. Thnx ^_^
Redid one of my bad ones (still bad but meh) and made a new one
i know theres alot up there but i need some CnC's \o/
Attached Files
Uke overkill (25) pfft.rpl (196.6 KB, 8 views)
Uke overkill (28) So Tired.rpl (90.6 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by Butter6699; Apr 26, 2015 at 12:55 AM. Reason: added replay
I overwrote your community collaboration so I guess I'll give some cnc in return.
Okay Let's go.
Uke overkill (5) Meh
Your movement was very edgy, when you went for hits you only moved the part of the body you hit with which made it a classic wooden style replay. Dm's were okay though, so as your movement between some of the dm's.
Uke overkill (7) The Ultimate Nut Shot
I like the idea, but the execution had some flaw to it. First of all, you pretty much had your knees extended from the begining to the end of the replay. Upper body movement was okay at some points. Last hit would've been more destructive if you had self dm on, I'd suggest you editing that in notepad or smth. Pose was cute.
Uke overkills ( Do Da Spins
This one I actually liked. It was less edgy than previous ones (but still edgy) and it had some dynamics to it. I suggest you trying to hit untill you get dm's, those scratches don't look too good. If you get into close contact with uke, try not to bump your head.
Uke overkill (9) Blender
Damn, you improve with every replay I watch. For this one I have: work on movement, avoid grabbing/grab hitting too much, don't bump your head. Skeet was cool as well as some of the dm's.
Uke overkill (9) Going Mad
Last 2 hits I liked as well as the spin at around 190. Same suggestions as last time, also try going for dm's per hit.
Uke Overkills (10) Bow First
This one was a bit of a step back, some of your hits had no purpose, you were very twitchy at some points. Didn't like this one tbh D:
Uke overkill (11) Assassination
So the dm's are good, but the way you do them is meh. Try not to hug ukr, rather go for clean hits with wrists/ankles, sometimes knees/elbows but not shins/triceps. Also the way you like shook at 150 was ew, try not to move all the joints at the same time or smth.
Uke overkill (17) Rampage
So this one is much better, I almost need to cnc in a different way. Some tips: less grabing, try not to overextend abs, cleaner hits. Oh, and don't contract the part you hit uke with if you were extending it right after the hit unless it looks good. That was a bit complicated, forget it if you didn't get it.
Uke Overkills (1 Let the heads roll
Standard run, liked what you did at the start. next few hits i didn't quite like. Liked the last one though and the pose. Work on transitions between hits :>
Uke overkill (20) just kick
This one was nice, what I didn't like is how you sped up at some points and slowed down at the other, it looked weird. Liked the flip, the run could've been smoother. Oh, and kicks like that are usually done without grabs.
Uke overkill (20) Watching Life Go By
Damn, the kicks were great in this one and it had flow in it. The skeet was sweet as well as the transition to it. the third hit you did was with extended leg, that's not too good because you lose on potential speed and maybe dm's. With posing you should've slowly moved parts while flying rather than doing all at once right at the landing.
Uke overkill (21) Stand Up
I didn't notice any new issues apart from what I already listed. I liked that the gaps between the hits are small. Try not to relax all in the air, rather go for spins or flips.
Uke overkill (22) Swing
I dunno, same issues. Didn't like how your movement stopped after third hit, but the hit itself was kewl. Best hit of the replay. also, watch your head, jeez.
Uke overkill (23) Random Title
It almost felt like I watched the same hit 4 times, add some variety pretty please :3. A few other issues I already listed are present, find them yourself . Ending was good.
Uke overkill (24) Day on the Beach
So this one had waay too much grab in it, I guess it's because of gravity. Because of that almost all the hits didn't look great. Also lag. I pretty much only liked the opener a bit, random spin in the middle and the pose.
Uke overkill (26) Presision
This one looked like one of your other replays until the crotch kick. That crotch kick was sweet, oh the crotch kick. Second lick was also okay, other kicks were either your starter or had a bit of a weird angle to them. Try working on your position between the hits, Don't sit in a strange pose for too long. Also crotch kick was great. Crotch kick.
Uke Overkill (25) Didnt need that much time
So the part where this one is flawed I already cnc'd in the other replay, decap was cool, the transition to the pose and the pose itself were very nice, I liked it a lot. Tips for today: try not to ghost (not move arms through legs/legs through arms (you did it in the opener)).
Edit after 480 Butter6699 Entry
I feel like you made this one somewhere in between those other ones, otherwise it's a step back. Movement is more twitchy, headbutt is funny, but you bumped your head so hard that it was almost 2 headbutts. Pose was fine. Liked how you made it of the opener.
Uke overkill (25) pfft
So like you fight the gravity more than you fight uke. The gaps between the hits are to big, there's a lot of grabbing going on, a lot of unnecessary movement just to keep the moving and such. -30 is a bit too tough for you I feel, just an opinion, no h8 m8.
Uke overkill (2 So Tired
Hitting with the back of your leg is cool, I'll give you that. Uhm. That's all I have for this one. Watch the tips I already gave you earlier.

Phew, I thought this would be fun but it was actually not. Glad I finished. Let's see dat wall of text and hope that if helps you.
O_O wow thank you i appreciate it man
and yea 26 was a version of 9 but i felt it was different enough to put it as another number
and yes, i suck at -30 gravity, ill stay away from that for a while
I'm glad u liked the crotch kick, it took quite a while to hit the exact center :P
Heres 2 redo's of the just kick one, i tried the no grabbing decap and went from there. The 1st one is just the decap and the 2nd is with a split too
Attached Files
Last edited by Butter6699; May 12, 2015 at 05:23 AM. Reason: cuz i can
Redid another one
its a much better pose than than sitting in that awkward position
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Last edited by Butter6699; May 23, 2015 at 08:25 AM. Reason: because...
Redid some more of my old ones, Watching Life Go By has a better pose. On 7, I finally finished the manip. Its a little short but hey, it was my first go at it :P. I know I hit my head during the manip but for the most part, tell me what u think. Gimme some CnC pl0x \o/
Attached Files
Uke overkill (7) Butt Top.rpl (132.7 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Butter6699; May 4, 2015 at 05:46 AM. Reason: CUZ I WANT SOME CNC
Here's 2 more. I tried the -30 grav again and it actually went pretty good. So good i did 2 versions of it ^_^
Attached Files
Uke overkill (29) Slip.rpl (65.7 KB, 11 views)
Uke overkill (29) Slip v2.rpl (111.7 KB, 13 views)
Uke overkill (29) Slip v2

So the first 150 Frames. The opener was to long and a bit weird. Then you spin yourself which was ok but
right foot looks like it was just hanging out doing what it wants .

The rest (Sorta) : The way you got into the punch was leaning like you were about to fall which I dislike but the punch and the way you recover was nice. Sexy pose ^^! 5/10

Uke overkill (29) Slip

I like this one way more but there's not much to say about it other than what I already said so yeh.. I'll just rate it if you don't mind . 6.5/10 . Just remember be fluid and try execute moves faster buddy ;)

Please CnC my replays. Thanks
Last edited by Matt; May 5, 2015 at 05:41 PM.
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