Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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WAPOW Story Thread
WAPOW Story Thread

Post stories from your life that you would like to share with the clan and the vast interwebs.


1. Don’t be a meanie zucchini to other people and be respectful.

2.Don’t post mature, immature or anything inappropriate (think of the children)

3.Before you post a story respond to the story before you and follow rule 1

4.No useless posting useless stuff or stuff that belongs in other threads
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
I was walking one day, Tripped and fell. (I came up with this idea!)
♦ "thx bananas my love" -Shakky ♦
[TA] || ♪♪ Popping pills is all we know ♪♪ || [TA]
Response to previous story: that sounds painful. i hope you didnt hurt your face.

My story: One time I threw up. >.>
Threw up? did you have to clean it up, hope you were able to breath

So, one time when i was sick, i couldn't stop throwing up and i couldn't breath. and whenever i could i was dehydrated, so i needed a drink. I tried to get off my bed to get to the bathroom, and i threw up all over the hallway, and lets just say it wasn't pretty.
"Follow Me, Everything Is Alright, Ill Be The One To Tuck You In At Night"
Being sick sucks especially when you throw up.

Well today i dropped my phone... I looked all over the floor, under my desk, EVERYWHERE! turns out it fell in my hoody pocket
Rank does not mean shit it's just something to brag about.

What kind of phone is it and what colour?

I came home from school and my cat took a bunch of foam outta the couch and he was also in the couch and crawled out.
♦ "thx bananas my love" -Shakky ♦
[TA] || ♪♪ Popping pills is all we know ♪♪ || [TA]
The Story of Santa Krulls. By Seth93z
Yes yes I know, I made a story in my free time instead of training/warring.

The story of Santa Krulls the reject Santa Claus starts in the very merry state of California. Little Krulls has always wanted to be Santa, or as close to Santa as he could be.

One day Little Krulls found a letter in the mail from none other than Santa Claus. Now, Little Krulls was so overjoyed that, instead of reading the letter he ate it. Which was a good thing seeing as it was written in elvish. By eating this letter Little Krulls gained its knowledge and the knowledge it contained.

It read "Hello Little Krulls! I know what you think, This is fake, Santa isn’t real. Well, I am! And I would like you to train to become my successor alongside a chosen few of other candidates. Go to your local church and tell the holy man there, I am one of the few Santa’s."

And Little Krulls did just as the letter had told him. He went to the church and told the holy man there what was written in the letter after he said that he blacked out.

Little Krulls then awoke in a bed alongside some other kids presumably around his age. There was a skinny African boy named Zack, a country style girl with boots and a checkered shirt named Lucy and lastly an Asian boy named Kim. Well what was weird about this was, they all knew each other’s named and ethnicities despite them having not seen each other before and it was very very cold.....

An elf by the name of Seth walked in and said "Hello young Santa’s! My name is Seth and I am your personal elvish trainer, Sadly you won’t be able to see Santa until your training is complete. You will train here for 5 whole years and at the end of that 5 years you will be sent on a mission to deliver presents to your state or country of origin."

Little Krulls took those words to heart and trained vigorously for the next 5 years. Over that time Little Krulls grew up to just be called Krulls. Now Krulls was the good kid, he got all A's on his tests, did very well on mock exams and never cause any trouble for any of the elves. But now the time which he has been training for has come.... the day of the exam, Easter.

The Easter Bunny generously let the kids deliver presents and candy to their place of origin. Krulls now set off for California! "Finally!" he thought. Now Krulls didn’t get any sleep the night before, he was way too excited to go to sleep, so he was a bit drowsy. But he wouldn’t let that detour his mission!

Things were going good, he'd delivered to 26 houses already when he finally hit his limit, he was too tired to go on. So he stopped at a nearby gas station to get an energy drink.

While he was walking out a man with a bandana and a man with golden teeth and a ripped suit came up to him and said "Are you Santa?" Krulls said "Yes, indeed I am" The two men smiled, the one with the suit said "Follow us, the elves wanted you to personally deliver these"

He followed the two men into a shed not too far. Inside he found 3 bags and two large cubes made of small cubes tied together. Krulls, not wanting to fail his exam, took the bags and cubes. The man with the bandana said "Now take these and deliver them to this address"

Krulls happily took the address as the two men walked away. Krulls then packed all of the stuff he got from the men and read the paper with the address. It read "1337 Mlg Dr." Krulls then got a bit curious of what was in the cubes, a weird smell was coming from them. He opened one of them and out came what looked like snow. Krulls was very surprised at how it wasn’t melting and said "Santa's Magic Dust!" and ate some of it not knowing what it really was.....

Krulls was going to check the bags to but he was preoccupied with the magical white dust. He gave some to all his reindeer and as soon as he got back into his sleigh all of the reindeer suddenly started going as fast as they could all the way back to the northern end of California dropping all the stuff in the bags along the way.

Now Krulls knew he could be gullible but when he saw what was in those bags and realized what that magical dust really was he knew he had hit rock bottom. Unable to show his face to the elves and Santa again Krulls the reject Santa went into hiding never to be seen again.......

Please mind all of the grammatical errors.

What was in the bags and what was the magical white dust?
The white dust was Crack Cocaine and there were a wide variety of colored dildos in the bags.

NOTE: I made this story in a whim while I was afk in a public Boshu_Mushu_v3 room, meaning I did this in the span of maybe 20 minutes. Don’t judge.

The Future is Bulletproof
"How r people still in jail? Just make alts lol" -Wizard
Excellent job. I love the creativity.

In my opinion there is nothing better to do in the world than creating something new and unique.
Your story obviously qualifies XD.

Response: Thrilling stories guys. Think this thread can become real good.

"[B]When Hazel did hard time and learned the value of standing hes ground[/B]":

[WAPOW] "uhhh......no, Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"