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Running? Why does this keep happening?
I have been Trying to run i got the first two steps somewhat done but during my third step my ankle hits the ground at the front and I cant seem to figure out how to fix it..Its on -30.00 Gravity and sumo on its also the running mod

Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks!
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Why.rpl (22.0 KB, 26 views)
Your feet aren't getting enough grip on the ground during your steps to propel your body forward, instead of downward.
Thanks a ton guys
But one more question what about when the leg goes high in the air I cant even extend my hip without toppling over
what do you mean by "toppling over"
also btw, you don't have to only do youtube run. i find it easier not to do youtube run, because it (in my opinion) gives me less customization
(i got lazy at the end)
Attached Files
3000edrun.rpl (197.9 KB, 23 views)
qma, I'm assuming he's a beginner and having that in mind I think he should stick to YTRun until he starts to understand how joint movement impacts on Tori's balance, throwing a custom run like that would make it (in my opinion) a difficult learning.

Death, in your run, if the bottom of your foot is not facing the floor you may have to change it a bit, take the edited replay I showed you and pay attention to the right leg step, the hips will give enough balance to keep ahead, and relaxing knees are the key to keep a fluid movement, but sometimes I hold it to compensate, this for YTRun, try to do 5 steps without falling and then you're ready to go.
Last edited by IIInsanEEE; Mar 4, 2015 at 05:46 PM.
Thanks that seems to help me out a bit I got closer to uke one more step and I would of been there but my tori fell off to the side

But Thanks for your replies helped me out
You may want to extend your ankles here and there. Not all the time though, just for when you're getting the steps in. It may cause you to fly upwards. But you should notice before that happens.

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One more question
Alright um I got one more question. I have been seeming to get the run down somewhat on the YouTube run and I am trying a little bit in relax run but its a little more difficult but that's not the question I have been trying some parkour mods. So my question is on ground floor my leg is fine but if I play a parkour mod my leg for no reason after the first step just launches up and I have tried messing with my glutes and ankles chest and lumbar but I cant seem to be able to get it back down for the second step...Does anyone know how to fix this?