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Questions on Corkscrews
So I've been practicing the corkscrew lately, and I just cant seem to pull it off.
I posted a replay below. What are my problems?
Am I leaving the ground too soon, do I not have enough momentum, or am I not using the correct technique to spin? Please leave tips below.
Attached Files
almostcork.rpl (96.3 KB, 16 views)
You are litterally doing exactly what I did when learning how to cork. Trust me, it doesn't work XD. Try doing a better set up that's not from a backflip. When you do a backflip-esque set up like you're doing, it's really hard to get the proper momentum for the height and spin of the cork. Your timing wasn't bad (everything should reach it's peak at the same time), but it's usually best to raise both arms. Once you gain more height and spin (you need to get some more momentum for these), you'll be able to "lay-out" your corks more, making it easier to get a full rotation. It seems hard now, but if you practice, corking can become easy. But yeah, I just suggest working on your set up and opener. Watch some other people's replays to see how they do it (although this may just become discouraging, as it was for me XD).

I've included some of my own replays for gauging progress.

Wizard: This was when I first started tricking. As you can see, I did EXACTLY the same type of thing you're trying to do, and to be frank, it doesn't work.

Animal: This was my very first cork. Not bad, but not great. I was super excited at the time, but you can see how it's so flawed. My next replay I made after this one, the cork was even worse. When you start, fluctuation in quality is normal.

Broken Promises: I started to chain together my corks. As you can see, I'm getting better at set ups and momentum, but the corks are really balled up. As you get more height and spin, you'll be able to remove this. Also, when corking, try not to "eat your knee" by contracting your hip too much. Also, It seems to be easier to cork if the leg is nearly extended all the way through, rather than a contracted knee and a kick at the launch.

The Dying of the Light: This one is again, corking practice. As you can see, I've gotten better at launches, and I don't ball up as much.

Kick Tricks: My most recent tricking replay. The single cork in it is very open, and there is little contraction of my tori. As you go on, it'll be easier to chain tricks together. Also, you should avoid doing too many corks (even as they get easier) because your replays will begin to look very generic and boring. Try to spice it up a bit, and only do one or two corks in a single replay.

The time it took from my first cork, to the time it took for my latest tricking replay was a little under two months. Note: I did not include all of my replays from between my first cork to my last one, those are just examples (you can check my replay thread if you really want to see the rest). I just got a lot of practice in, and now I'm able to do them consistently with little effort. Just practice a bit, and you'll be banging them out in no time ;)

Quick tips:

-Have everything reach it's peak at the same time
-Keep your follow-through leg nearly extended when doing the launch for the cork
-Try to stay open (don't fully contract knees, hips, or elbows)
-It's okay to use your hands sometimes!
-Stay positive; it'll come eventually.
-Have fun!

Hope that helped a bit!
Attached Files
Tricking- Wizard.rpl (235.4 KB, 5 views)
Tricking- Animal V2.rpl (406.0 KB, 5 views)
Tricking- Broken Promises.rpl (323.2 KB, 4 views)
Tricking- Kick Tricks.rpl (450.2 KB, 13 views)
Last edited by SkyWhale; Mar 4, 2015 at 04:33 AM.
Co-leader of Nitro | Replays
Wow xD, thanks a lot! I appreciate you taking your time to help me
I will fix my hips and knees, and try to gain momentum.
I hope, over time I will be able to pull off the corkscrew and many other great tricks on toribash.

Btw, that helped a LOT not just bit.