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Thoughts on judo?
I've heard a lot about judo. Some people love it, some hate it. I hear people calling judo the 'noob mod' , others saying it requires a lot of skill.

Personally, I think it's pretty cool. The long turn frames add a new element to it; you have to plan your moves differently, because they have to stay like that for longer, because of the longer frames.

What do you guys think?
I don't kill flies, but I like to mess with their minds. I hold them above globes. They freak out and yell, 'Whoa, I'm way too high!'
I don't think Judo is a good mod. It dosent require too much skill basically the openers end the game, kinda like Mushu. JudoFrac is a mod that I really enjoy because it forces you to work will a lot of fractured joints.
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If you want, you can call me ''the master of judo'' and I can tell you that this mod doesn't require any skill only a good opener. It is 75% luck and only 25% skill. You can rip your joints without doimg anything, just because this mod is a bitch. To be honest, I do really enjoy this mod my rank mod also says it itself (139) but if you want skill try judofrac.
JudoFrac on the other hand does require a bit of skill to play, regular Judo for me is just a fun mod to fuck around in.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Judo is decent. Not the best. It isn't a skillful mod. All it is, is luck.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
My rank in judo about 80, but I don't think I really have skill in this, because it easy to beat me by opener which better then my. Judo needs a skill for comebacks and trying don't fall in dq, but sometimes you unlucky and you can, for example, lost your hand just hit the ground.


Judo takes a lot more prediction and planning rather than, for say, aikido, where you make small steps every frame. In a way, judo takes way more effort and skill than most other mods. I think people don't believe judo requires much skill and does require a lot of luck is because of how fast paced it is. I disagree with that. When I didn't know how to play judo, that's how it seemed, but I started thinking about my next turns and began to start using 100% of my skill. If you play it for awhile, you'll most likely, eventually feel the same way.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.