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Who is number 1!?
So basically, who is number one in the world on toribash at the moment? Has anyone fought him, and please explain your experience. Has anyone also been in a fight with Largekiller, his replays that come with the game are BEAST!!
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Originally Posted by ScroteRipper View Post
So basically, who is number one in the world on toribash at the moment? Has anyone fought him, and please explain your experience. Has anyone also been in a fight with Largekiller, his replays that come with the game are BEAST!!

i havent fought..... Largekilla..... oh pls get it right xD
but i have posted on his replay thread asking for advice and he replied with like a paragraph of tips. Was gr8. There's also a matter of who's the best at what. Moop is good at tk, xlr8 and swexx are good at parkour and largekilla can fight too. There's also great sparrers like binklawz, again swexx and LK (they are good at anything pretty much). Kristis133 and nuthug are some if the best at aikido imo. So yeah there's lots of categories to be "the best" at. Another th ing is that some people like certain styles, and so the players who use them are cosidered the best by some people. As in win/loss ratio, I have no clue who has the highest.
Well, the current No.1 player is Frost. Haven't really seen him play so I can't say whether he's good or whether he just happens to have high elo.
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18

On a serious note:


Technically Frost, has the highest rank, yes. In terms of skill it's debatable, and varies depending on the mod.
iIluminati is right, it depends on what category you're asking what they're number one at.

If you were to ask who was the best at the most things, I think the answer would probably be NutHug. Jaker holds the most spots in the book of records so he could be number one as well.
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
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I'd say SainTD, he used to be a tough duel player and he was also ready to lose his TC if you rekd him ingame. He's the guy who won hampa $1000 tourney. Althrough, he's inactive.

From actives, it's probably like Shmevin, Cold or Shockey, dunno which one exactly.

Video makers is another thing, their quality is understanding replay making and putting in time to make fancy replays, but ingame they're not close as strong as duel players and will lose to duel players like very most of cases.
Most players are usually great at one mod in particular, more than others. People that come to mind in Aikido are Fear, iRookie & Kristis133.

For singleplayer, I'd say that Nearly, Larfen & pusga are people that consistently wow me.

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