Original Post
Hall of Shame
So why is this forum not letting me post anything or make new threads? Does it have to do with the birthday thread?
I am light. I am darkness. I am a rushing waterfall. I am a blazing inferno. I am and I am not. The Power of Nothingness compels me...DENJIN HADOUKEN!
The hall of shame is where really shitty threads go because they have no other place to be. You cant get infracted for posting on it when it's in the hall of shame either because there is no need to. The hall of shame isn't a good place.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Lol I see your points. Its called "Hall of shame" for a reason.Alright well nvm then. Thought I couldnt post cause I did somthing. But whatever i guess
I am light. I am darkness. I am a rushing waterfall. I am a blazing inferno. I am and I am not. The Power of Nothingness compels me...DENJIN HADOUKEN!
Only moderators can do anything there.
It's just for shameful or funny posts that weren't deleted for some reason.

It's not a place you'd want to be in, so don't try to get there on purpose, or rip in peace.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.