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TOXIKK - Frag like it's 1999! [BETA BUILD: V0.75, CURRY]

By having a small crew, Reakktor Studios only put one map in the game atm because they want the game to be as polished as possible, here is the beta roadmap so you can check when there'll be new things:

About - (description copied from their steam store page)

About This Game
FRAG LIKE IT'S 1999! TOXIKK plays as if today's military shooters never existed. The game combines the simple and intuitive mechanics of old-school FPS giants with a fresh setting, slick graphics and our vision to carefully evolve the genre with some new ideas elaborated with Arena-FPS enthusiasts.

Being a spiritual successor to the arena shooters of the late 90s and early 2ks, there is no levelling, no skill-trees, no perks, no cover systems, no classes, no configurable weapons and no iron sight aiming. But most importantly: TOXIKK is NOT "Free-2-Play"!


#1 FEATURES: Fast and precise movement (with deeply configurable mouse controls), double jumps, dodge jumps, booster pick-ups, nine iconic weapons to be carried around simultaneously, secondary fire modes for every weapon, vehicular game modes, jump pads, health-packs, lots of vertical gameplay, optional mutators (incl. instagib) and everything else that made these kind of games so addictive. And if you want to practice your skills offline, TOXIKK also features a configurable BOT MODE.

#2 ALL PLAYERS ARE EQUAL. ALWAYS! After each death, you respawn with a melee weapon and a basic pistol. All other weapons are to be picked up while you play. Character customization is of cosmetic nature only. However, unlike the shooter giants from the past, TOXIKK features an XP and a bounty system. The XP system and its associated ranks are used for reputation purposes, for our match-making algorithms and to unlock new skins, but they do NOT change the stats or the abilities of your character. Your rank will show other players how experienced and skilled YOU are (rather than showing the experience level of your game character).

#3 TOXIKK IS NOT FREE-TO-PLAY: We believe that "classic Arena-FPS" and "Free-to-Play" (F2P) don't go well together. A true arena FPS requires all player characters to have equal stats and the availability of all weapons to everyone. Always! The skill of a player should be the only deciding factor about victory or defeat. Allowing players to buy different (i.e. better) weapons or to permanently boost their stats does totally contradict the idea of classic arena FPS gaming in our opinion.

#4 CLASSIC AND MASSIVE MAPS: CLASSIC MAPS offer fast-paced gameplay in small to medium-sized maps for up to 8 players, while MASSIVE MAPS feature more strategic gameplay in bigger environments for up to 16 players. Vehicles (gliders, attack-bombers, hoverbikes and other ground vehicles) are exclusively available in Massive Maps.

#5 USER GENERATED CONTENT: All players can apply for a FREE SDK to build their own maps for TOXIKK. We will put up a web page as a central hub for user generated content on Players may vote user-generated content to be made available through this hub. All content on this hub will be offered free of charge. The whole process will be handled through our forums.

We believe that shooters are meant to be played with mouse and keyboard. That's why TOXIKK is exclusively designed for PC. At this point, we do not intend to port the game to any other platform.

#7 DEVELOPED BY REAKKTOR: We may be a self-financed indie studio, but every team member brings at least a decade of experience in professional game development to the table and is dedicated to delivering a high quality experience. Breaking free from publisher concerns and features requested by the marketing guys, we decided to create this game for one single reason: WE WANT TO PLAY IT!

Personal thoughts: Even with just one map and two game modes I can feel that they have reached their objective, and brought the arena fps back to its roots, it really feels like I'm playing a successor of the unreal tournament series. They're using Unreal Engine and by far this is the most polished/bug-free beta that I've ever been on.

I'd classify this game as a must-have for everyone who loved UT '99 and Quake.
Share your thoughts! And if you own the game already, share your experiences aswell.
Last edited by Immotay; Feb 17, 2015 at 09:43 AM.
Looks fun, I'll probably pick it up if it becomes more popular.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
imho it was definitely worth picking it up, but I'd also recommend waiting for at least the next update in order to not get disappointed :P
I've looked into it previously, it has the same mechanics of Unreal Tournament, but I'm hoping it takes more inspiration from 2k4 rather than 3. The only map they have looks too claustrophobic, which makes me fear it'll be like UT3. The vehicle combat goal makes me hopeful that it'll take the 2k4 route. At the very least, the SDK can let somebody remake DM-Rankin. Best map ever.

It's been too long since a good arena shooter came out, I'm hoping this can be the competitive successor to Quake and UT.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I also hope it follows the 2k4 route instead of the UT3, althought I didn't think that UT3 was that bad, anyways, the current map isnt really small, its just too narrow.
The next patch sould be a big map ( 8 x 8 ) with vehicles, according to the post on their forums, I'll post some screenshots and thoughts as soon as it gets released.

But the actual map is ok, it has a 8 player maximum which fits perfectly and keeps the crazy-action of the arena fps ongoing 24/7.

The only actual bad things I've found so far is
the Pistol rate of fire being too low
shotgun reload being too low, especially if you use the alt fire.
Rockets projectile speed being too fast
plasma projectiles being too low

but they're working on the weapon balance.

also, I'll try to keep this thread up with the patch notes and any news I receive.
^ at the moment it just seems like a updated form of ut, which is nice, but, it has more potential than just that imo so I'd like to see where they go with it.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
The problem with UT3 was the scale of the game got thrown off. Arena shooters have a sweet spot in player to space ratio, like any other type of shooter. Since the defining trait of arena shooters is movement and flamboyantly explosive weaponry, it needs to be large enough in scale to give room for the movement to not be constrained, but small enough for the environment to still influence movement, and give a reason to use a slower, projectile weapon instead of a hitscan precision weapon. UT3 was too small and offered no interesting use for movement, while the explosive weapons could level an entire room because of how large their aoe was and how small the rooms were. There were a few good maps, but that's not enough to salvage an arena shooter.

Plus the gears of war body types pissed me off. I used Remus and Romulus, normal looking humans wearing normal space jumpsuit attire, in 2k4 for a reason, and it's because the goliath body type annoyed me to no end, and then I was forced to use either football linesman mcgee or womyns wearing 5 layers of armor but still revealing midriff as character choice. Fuck that shit.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Skylar View Post
^ at the moment it just seems like a updated form of ut, which is nice, but, it has more potential than just that imo so I'd like to see where they go with it.

I'm not sure about what I'm saying because I didn't read it from Reakktor but I heard someone saying in the forums that the devs are happy that it looks like UT because it was their intention to make it look like so.

and one member of Reakktor said somewhere that they're making a game that THEY want to play, not just sell.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
The problem with UT3 was the scale of the game got thrown off. Arena shooters have a sweet spot in player to space ratio, like any other type of shooter. Since the defining trait of arena shooters is movement and flamboyantly explosive weaponry, it needs to be large enough in scale to give room for the movement to not be constrained, but small enough for the environment to still influence movement, and give a reason to use a slower, projectile weapon instead of a hitscan precision weapon. UT3 was too small and offered no interesting use for movement, while the explosive weapons could level an entire room because of how large their aoe was and how small the rooms were. There were a few good maps, but that's not enough to salvage an arena shooter.

Uhm, I didn't play UT3 in all maps and shit, the ones I played had a pretty good size, most of them were actually bigger than I was expecting after reading player reviews

anyways, the update went out yesterday but I slept the whole day, these are the new features:

new features

I'm downloading it at the moment and I'll join a private game as soon as it finishes so I can post screenshots about vehicles, guns, the new map, anything I can remember taking photos of.

also this

The PHANTOM is a medium sized assault bomber, equipped with a minigun as its primary fire and unguided missiles as secondary fire. It's excellently suited to give air support to infantry units.

makes me think the map is gonna be big enough, since it will have air units.

All screenshots I took so far (game is not on ultra, but its 1920x1080 at least)

Last edited by Immotay; Feb 17, 2015 at 11:03 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
It's a daily deal on Steam right now. Anyone who has it can vouch for it?
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today