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[SOLVED] Can´t post pictures?
So, recently, every single picture I try to post just appears as broken. I have tried multiple sites (imageshack, imgur, gyazo) but nothing seems to work. I checked other people´s pictures to see which sites they were uploaded to, tried with those, still didn´t work. I have been always doing the simple CP the link and wrap it in IMG tags and it worked fine, if there has been any change to this it would be appreciated if someone would tell me here, thank you.
Originally Posted by duck View Post


i see your problem
you need to add a certain file type on the end of the picture's url, for gyazo you'd use .png, and for all other sites you'd use the one given in the BBcode.

[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
just right click on the gyazo image and click copy image url.

check this out.

Last edited by BuZe; Feb 2, 2015 at 08:18 PM.