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[Guardian]Echomarine vs. [Discount_Death]OldBean
Just to get things flowing in the forums.

Me and echo had a TK duel very recently. And i've thoughtfully posted some.

Could have been close but echo's hand came off on the OldBean 2 EchoMarine 1. Tough break.

Anyway here they are :> If you want your money back i'd be more than happy to duel again(goes for everyone).
Gah one of the replays wasnt part of the duel. Nvm echo won one of em.
Echomarine 4 the win
Yes, I know, you have made a fool of myself in 2 clan forums, your awesome
And nah, it was a fair fight, I'll fight you again someday
Originally Posted by EchoMarine View Post
Yes, I know, you have made a fool of myself in 2 clan forums, your awesome
And nah, it was a fair fight, I'll fight you again someday

Thanks for being such a good sport
Echomarine 4 the win