Original Post
Corrupted TB
I tried downloading toribash 3 times recently,the latest one.
First time I wasn'table to finish the downloading.
Second time, Took me 7 minutes but whenI triedto open it said filesare corrupted,orsomething
The exact words are: The setup files are corrupted, please obtain a new copy of this program.
Third time took me 10 minutes with the same result
Last edited by clipsall; Oct 22, 2014 at 12:37 AM.
I had something similar, but the only thing I could do was download it from Steam.
self proclaimed lurker and stalker
I just formatted my computer and had all the updates finished. So I think itprobably will has all it updated.
and download from steam hm. Istill need to download steam and all those games I had to delete:-: