Original Post
No dq death
well the ending of a match the time runs out and none dq. its boring, i think there should be a sentry coming out of the centre shooting the player (to Dismember)with the least points to make it more interesting*bl oodymess*
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Umm, that's a really creative suggestion, I don't think it'll be as easily implemented as you think.

I support this, Hampa please stand and deliver.
It would be pretty cool if something happened, there are probably other things that could be instead of just a sentry though. I support it
heck yea i agree 207%

there should also be some post-game cinematics/cutscenes

when tori wins one of those 500 tc automatic tourney things, i want a cutscene of uke going home and getting berated by his wife because his lazy ass can't hold a real job and a father who can't support his family is no real father at all
This would be interesting to start, first few times would be a good watch, Sure.

I know after seeing it 10 times, that the whole of ToriBash will quit because of how annoying it is to watch the same cut scene over and over again. This would also suck as they would have to wait even longer to start the next game.
~Not Supported
father of philip scone
Can't think of anything funny to say but this thread doesn't belong here.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore