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TSA transfers
So a while ago DrHax said in a thread that TSA transfer's arent illegal as alot of people think.
Now I'm interested in the prices of them, I know it's the amount you buy them for + a TSA price. Is there a list of these TSA prices?
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It's probably the same amount as the no qi item. Seeing to how that's basically what they are doing. If not, this is quite a big loophole to get out of paying so much for a no-qi item.
No, If I remember it good, pure is 66,666k+normal price (10k) or something. That's cheaper then the market No-qi items.
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Then what is the point of putting no qi items in the market if there is a loophole in getting them.

Makes no sense.
It's on a case-by-case basis.

Of course TSA transfers are not illegal, that's a pretty absurd thing to say. But there's also no price list.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
While it was done in the past, there was a discussion and it was decided more or less that TSA transfers won't be done anymore for users as a service. It's been reserved for events, scams and other similar things.
Hopefully soon though the ability to buy items straight from the shop no-qi will be fixed back up and, as far as I know, that will remain the only method for users to pay to obtain items not within their QI.
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
It's been reserved for ... scams

TSA will use no-qi to scam?!

<insert story about the time a TSA scammed me> :^)
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Ow, so you're pretty much not doing it anymore. That's sad, well guess I won't get a price list then. Close it rai
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