Original Post
[Tex] free heads and set by kradox
Hey its that time of the year, when i get bored and start doing random heads for free CNC is apreciated

more heads will be posted

Halloween heads(meh!)


Free surfer set

DJ head

biker man

robotic thingy

ninja robot

marine comander

space warrior

-You can not sell this textures
-They are free, you can not claim it, its for everybirdie
-i do not take requests
-used photoshop cs4

old free heads and stuff thread

Last edited by kradoxtb; May 12, 2015 at 11:54 PM.
u spelled heart wrong
i appreciate the effort gone into these though
Last edited by Dothgar; Sep 8, 2014 at 04:34 AM.
Tor1g0d embodied as a noob. Hey, atleast i'm back and nice!
Umm i appreciate the efforts u did :3 umm, ... Thanks ;)
I walk a lonely road
the only one that I have ever known
i just asked cause i didnt see anyone being nice here they just come and take without appreciating your work.Besides, thanks
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