Original Post
Where to put threads.
Sorry if this should go somewhere else but I didn't think it was important enough to ask support about.

If I want to suggest a possible event, where should I post it. I assume that events is just for advertising actual events and suggestions is for more technical ingame or programming stuff.

Thank you for reading.
Good morning sweet princess
But it isn't an actual event yet... It would be a suggestion to anyone who can be bothered.

Thank you for taking the time to answer though
Good morning sweet princess
What kind of suggestion? Do you want to host it yourself? Then I you don't need to put it anywhere. If you want gm sponsorship you just pm any gm about the idea. Idk what else you could've ment with this.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

I think he is just asking where he would put a thread asking people if they would be interested in his event. Possibly so he doesn't get 2 people signing up.

Proton, just do it around clan threads you are allied with? Dont make threads but ask the members if they are interested and message some people. No matter where you post it. A thread asking people if they would sign up for your event would be seen as useless.
Couldn't he PM a GM and thengo through there thats what i would do any way
MaryJane Good Fuh Yuh Soul, Like Toothpaste Good Fur Yuh Teet

Yes. You can get your event sponsored by a gm. Look here for more info:

At least that is what DrKXD was trying to say.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Originally Posted by protonitron View Post
But it isn't an actual event yet... It would be a suggestion to anyone who can be bothered.

Thank you for taking the time to answer though

If you have a plan for an event, but have not actually got a layout for it yet, you can pm a Gamemaster for help about it (also check the link that Link placed)

It is probably better if you have an actual plan for your event, as well as a general idea of how it will run, what prizes, duration and so on.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
No intention of actually arranging or hosting it myself. Just an idea for event organisers.
I know what to do now. Thanks for the help. Sorry for bothering y'all.
Last edited by Zelda; Aug 26, 2014 at 08:43 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Good morning sweet princess