Original Post
The C.A.T AKA Cheaters, Abusers, and Time Wasters clan has delcared war on YOUR clan. The C.A.T members are not scared of your clan. They would like to try and own you. Got a problem with it? will OWN the clan members back!
I dunno. I also dunno if they realize the leaders are 2 year old veterans who can do shit like say, oh, ripping off a leg with their heads (ONLINE) =P I'd urge them to reconsider before they get permanent emotional scarring.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Meh, i suppose i should care, but i can't force myself to, for some reason.
I don't know you or your clan, so i can't say whether you're skilled or not, but
unfortunatly, i'm leaning towards the latter, sorry. I doubt that i'm going to find
out though, because i rarely, if ever, play online.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
You know we should i mean some guy from the clan told us to be strongest clan

...he also said 1st to declare war on the unofficial clans cuz they're weak

so whaddya say?
oi m8 i rekt ur mum last nite