Original Post
Activity check 5: shicken style!
ok now this is no ordinary check obviosly. in order to sign you must make a design using the smilies... like this

Last edited by shicken; Aug 26, 2008 at 12:07 AM.
genital warriors PLAY NOW!
rape fighting game
BRYNE*h eadbang*TH!!!!!
i didn't get what we had to do so this will have to be fine...or else i will eat my monkey's peanut shells and spit them at your faces ^.^ have a nice day
Last edited by bryneth; Aug 23, 2008 at 11:15 PM.
Originally Posted by bryneth View Post
BRYNE*h eadbang*TH!!!!!
i didn't get what we had to do so this will have to be fine...or else i will eat my monkey's peanut shells and spit them at your faces ^.^ have a nice day

Mah face too?
like that tamer? there is my smiley formation too, and I WILL BE RECOGNIZED AS ACTIVE EVEN IF THIS DOESNT COUNT
because im a mod ^.^ lol