Original Post
Make a new Move?
I'm wrking on a new move, so far its simple, but i want to add a decapitation to it or something, so if anyone can make it happen with the move i have posted, please post your continuation or modification of it here!

the move is:

shoulders up(they work down as well)

space x 1

shoulders down(or up, depending on their staring direction)
contract pecs

space x 1

grabby hands

space x 1

and thats as far as I've gotten.
so, any bright ideas?
Re: Make a new Move?
Dang, I almost had something! somehow I managed to get my characters arms to move down from the dummies shoulder and on to his hips, then I moved the shoulders up and pecs back and ripped his legs off. 4-way dimemberment I tell you! unfortunately i dont remeber how I did this and every attempt to recreate it has failed. All I remeber is that at the point of contact between the hands and the shoulders, I made the hands release the shoulders as soon as they hit them, then I moved the shoulders upwards and the pecs backwards for anywhere between 10-30 frames, then brought them forward again with grippy hands until they made contact with the hips and subsequently ripped the legs off. I dont get what Im doing wrong, Ive tried every possible iteration of this move but everytime when i bring the hands down to grab the hips they fall short!

If anyone can fix this, please tell me!
Re: Make a new Move?
[The Floating Chicken Wing]
- Move uses the Shoulder UP to begin (as you states was optional) -
- Move begins right after you hear the *Cracking* sound of Uke's arms breaking off -

o Raise Shoulders
o Extend Pecs

[Space x3]

o Lower Shoulders

[Space x3]

o Raise Shoulders


Description: Shortly after ripping off Uke's arms, your character will attempt to use them as wings, flapping furiously as he tries to lift off from the ground, repeatedly only getting 2-3 feets off the ground before flailing down again.

XD I found it quite funny, enjoy.