Original Post
Mathmatics that drives people insain... cool no?

right, i've only watched the first like 27 mins of that, but I thaught that suo might like a link and i'll have to go soon anyway, also the subject is infinity, as a sample of the video, one of the mathmaticians proved that there are larger infinities than infinity... example take the integer's, (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...) this is infinatly long, now take the real numbers, (1,1.00...001,1.00...002) this is also infinatly long, however if you then try to match all of the integers to the real numbers, no matter how you do it, the real numbers will always be longer, even just all the numbers betwean 0 and 1, is infinatly bigger than the integers.

however it dosn't end there, after the real numbers, the irrational numbers are still bigger, for instance pi is so massive it requires an infinate number of digits just to describe it, and there are hypotheticaly infinate irrational numbers, so they are still bigger than the real numbers.

anyway, enjoy your mind breaking video
Irrational numbers are not larger than real numbers. This is because the irrational numbers are a subset of the real numbers.

Irrational numbers ARE larger than RATIONAL numbers. Rational number's maximum possible size is twice the size of the integer set, while irrational is real-rational. While both numbers are infinite, one is far more so.

Real numbers are larger than integers because integers are a subset of real numbers.

Complex numbers are largest yet, because they have a size that is equivalent to n times real set. This is from the idea: a+bi+ci^m+di^n+ei^o... etc, etc.

Which could get REALLY fucking confusing.

Imaginary numbers are bigger than real numbers too, because again, i could theoretically be raised to powers other than 1. Which makes the real numbers a subset of the imaginary numbers.

Now that I look at that, complex numbers are simply equal to: real+imaginary

All in all, rather simple (to me).
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
lol yea i don't understand alot of it (obviouse much?) but i like the idea that there are infinities bigger than infinity, anyway watch the video.
I am currently reading a 1000 page mathematics book, which, when i have finished (which will probably happen around january!) will enable me to at least attempt to join in with this conversation.
eye no ronalds is lieing cos hee cann nott reed.

Edit: also I claim my one toricredit :
Originally Posted by ronalds View Post
when i have finished

Last edited by TommyTank; Oct 11, 2008 at 04:56 PM.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Choo! Choo!
ffs guys, 1=0.999r

0.999r * 10
9.999r - 0.999r = 0.999r * 9 = 9
9 / 9 = 0.999r = 1

Originally Posted by Voxus View Post
ffs guys, 1=0.999r

0.999r * 10
9.999r - 0.999r = 0.999r * 9 = 9
9 / 9 = 0.999r = 1


Why are you telling us this when its blatently obvious?