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[Aeon] Recruitment

as were now several ppl again we should think about going the next step.

I want to talk about the next options we have:

getting back to invite only


higher belt


Post count


were bona take a look on how long someone is in the forum


any other idea you guys have or combination form all that stuff ^^
<Aeon><Master Belt><Gamers Inc.><RMO><GERMAN Unibash Manager>
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Spaft|Vipertech|Chirs|Jormungandr|SocKeTe|threedog 2|Habeeb|SXDave
I'd say invite only. Or if everyone would be against that, at least a 4th - 5th dan limit.
[AEON] - Never stop fear us!
Yeah, totally. So much Apps, what's not bad, but no one that deserves a yes!

Invite only
I'm a little bit ambivalent about this..

Invite only would be exclusive..
.) Just Members we picked, and we wanted
.) Those Members may don't want to be 100% part of us and just join 'to be in
a clan or just.. because' (can also happen with No Invite only)

No Invite only isn't that exclusive BUT:

.) Brings more activity (we have to discuss the app's)
.) Everybody which fullfils the Recruitment-Rules is able to join
.) New Members, we don't know = Activity (we get to know each other)

+ 'Fresh' Air for the Clan
+ Maybe there is one guy that applies we would never thought to invite
and brings a sh-tload of skills, activity and so on....

- With No Invite only, it should be also possible or it is possible to Invite people. I think only Elite-Members should be able to do this.

Also 'normal' Members can say 'Hey, do you want to Recruit in our Clan' - but not like Charm. If they see a skilled cool guy and have a nice talk with them, they can say that, but not to every Member w/o a Clan.

Minimum Belt

I think 2nd dan Belt is a good Minimum Belt (I'm not even Black xD).
Raising it, would be cool but i would not do it..

+ Exclusive
+ More serious Apps (maybe)
+ The are longer in Toribash

- Exclusive
- Less Members
- Belt isn't the main thing here, IMO

Post Count

Yeah, but where should we set it? This isn't a bad idea i guess. Because it would (may) raise the Forum-Activity and People which just play won't post anything here and we may meet them sometimes ingame.. so thats a pretty good point IMO!

Now Ideas from me!


Not putting the New Members to 100% into the Clan from 1st day on, but rather putting them into a Test-Phase for.. 2-4 Weeks (depends)? It would 'scare' Clanhoppers, because they aren't 100% in the Clan, just as a Test.

.) They Recruit/Get Invite (exceptions for this Test can be made everytime - invite only)
.) We discuss Yes/No
.) Test-Phase for 4 Weeks
.) After the 4 Weeks we discuss Yes/No again

Also, he/she should may write something about the 4 Weeks, so we see how much he/she is into the Clan.

Also we can see how skilled he/she is and also his/her Ingame and Forum-Activity.
Last edited by SXDave; Jun 14, 2014 at 02:35 PM.
Originally Posted by SXDave View Post

- Belt isn't the main thing here, IMO

I'm not saying we should be the elitest clan with masterbelts only, but you can surely expect a higher belt player to be more mature and more used to the games and the forums philosophies.
[AEON] - Never stop fear us!
i would say that were editing the first post and write something like

We are just taking apps that are very close to perfect and with a main level of matureness.
also should rly make a point why you want to join.

also we could give this clan a max number of members at the same time (something between 15 and 20)

to Doggy
i like inv only but last time we fail a bit

to Dave
I love your idea
and specially the thing that they should write something about the 4 weeks ^^

so combining all those we have right now could be something like:

Were taking the apps more serious and just pick those guys that make a very good app with more effort then the others.
IF there is a free spot in the Clan
if someone gets a spot he have to proof himself for four weeks as a honorable member of Aeon.
After that he has to write an Post into a new Thread telling us about his experience in Aeon and give us a quick view about things like members he saw ingame.
(that way we could also check who is online active ;) )
Also he should write if he wants to stay or if he wants to quit...
Last edited by TheAnimal; Jun 14, 2014 at 04:23 PM.
<Aeon><Master Belt><Gamers Inc.><RMO><GERMAN Unibash Manager>
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Spaft|Vipertech|Chirs|Jormungandr|SocKeTe|threedog 2|Habeeb|SXDave
A fixed number of members sounds ok, if we can really pull it off and make no special exceptions. Keep in mind we already are 18 people in here. Not too much room atm, if you go for the 20.
The 4 weeks thingy sounds good too. Not only can we see how well the applicant did, but also how members behave in terms of activity and appearance. I also kinda like that it'd be 4 weeks, since this is a long enough time to discourage guys that don't mean it.
[AEON] - Never stop fear us!
well we have 4 kinda dead guys in and also 2-3 inactive that came back for one day
<Aeon><Master Belt><Gamers Inc.><RMO><GERMAN Unibash Manager>
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Spaft|Vipertech|Chirs|Jormungandr|SocKeTe|threedog 2|Habeeb|SXDave
Well, will those guys which are inactive come back in the next few weeks, or not? Because if they stay inactive forever, it has not really a sense to keep them in the clan IMO