Original Post
[S]Green Derppy Dinosaur
Price = 20k
Size =512 (Automatic)
Recolor = 5k
Payment =TC only
Artist =Me
Last owner=No one

Dont mind LouieChap post were mates and we made them together

Sorry, I'm afraid that I really can't ignore LouieChap's thread. There's nothing to show that you two aren't the same person (IPs match up a lot), however that doesn't really matter because the rule you breaking is the following:

Originally Posted by Lapsus
B) Do not sell variations of the same texture to multiple users in any circumstance, re-colors or minor edits do not constitute a new texture.

Due to the doubt that you are two different people the threads are breaking this rule here. Even if you were different people the textures look very similar and would normally be considered a minor edit/recolour. Therefore, I've decided that the other head is too similar to this one to be sold separately. I'm sorry if you think one of you (or you or whatever) has wasted your time creating this texture. If you want to make head textures together please make them substantially different (i.e. similar style but different theme/content) or sell them as a package and share the profits. Thank you.
lead Sigma