Original Post
[B] Your stuff
Hello, I am buying some items. I will buy most things for a good price, but I tend to err away from hairs and special items, unless I get a real good deal.

I currently have 25k on my spending budget and 3000 Qi, so keep in mind when offering. Paying in TC only. Forces/Relaxes are what I am really looking at

Rules: You offer first (unless it is an inventory) and no insane highballing.
Last edited by JackyDawg; Jun 6, 2014 at 11:22 PM.
Originally Posted by rot3ex View Post
Hit 2 sound- 800

Sorry not interested

Originally Posted by Kookiie View Post
i have a hunter force to sell... and im looking for 11k

8k and you have a deal
Originally Posted by KinezIvan View Post
Eye Patch ~ 50k
Mayan Warrior x3 ~ 30k ea/90k all
128 Ground Text ~ 21k

Eye Patch - 30k (not really fond of special misc items)
Mayan Warriors - Not interested, unless you can go 19k
128 Ground text - 17k?
Originally Posted by JackyDawg View Post
Eye Patch - 30k (not really fond of special misc items)
Mayan Warriors - Not interested, unless you can go 19k
128 Ground text - 17k?

Eye Patch ~ 40k then
Mayan Warrior ~ 19k each? Can you raise a little bit?
128 Ground Text ~ 20k
Originally Posted by KinezIvan View Post
Eye Patch ~ 40k then
Mayan Warrior ~ 19k each? Can you raise a little bit?
128 Ground Text ~ 20k

Eye Patch - 33k max, I've seen lower prices
Mayan warrior - well that was more of a joke way of saying not interested :3
Ground text - 17k is all I am willing to pay for it sorry
all my adamntium stuff for 3k
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