Original Post
[B] Buying 512 Items Fast

Hi, I temporarily have closed my shop thread, to open this one.

Looking for the remaining parts of a full 512 set, which excludes the parts I already have. These are;
  • L&R Triceps
  • L&R Hands
  • L&R Feet
  • L&R Pecs
  • R Bicep
  • Stomach
  • Breast
  • Chest
  • Groin

Currently I have about 200k, which probably isn't enough for all of the stated items, but that said I have some higher value items in my deactivated. State your offer on the item / items you are offering, as well as how many you are offering. I will only be paying in TC / Items, no USD payments.

If you make stupid high offers per piece, then I will simply not take your offer. (That means if you try to sell for 19k a piece, as an example).

Offer faster for the higher chance of me buying the item. I would prefer to keep this thread open for no more than 24 hours, maybe 12 at least.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
Hi yea, bumping. Since nobody seems to have any 512 items for sale (or just don't want to sell me any ;_;) I will keep this open for a bit longer and be more lenient with payments. (Still in TC though, if you offer USD I will eat your face)
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.