Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Age Difference on gaming
Alright, since the other thread is going off-topic about 12 year olds playing toribash and shit, let's just make this thread specially for that.

I have been playing Toribash since I was 14, I am 19 now. I have been playing this game a shit ton. What pisses me off is this:

Everyone that played wants the game to get famous, get known.
Well, the game goes somewhat viral, everyone is now bitching about a massive wave of 12 year olds.

May I ask you something? State your opinion aswell.

Was you 12 once? Did you ever play online games at 12?
YES, don't even try to lie. We all was young once and we all progressed to be mature.

Now, another thing: Someone name off 1 game that does not have 12 year olds playing it.... YOU CAN'T!!!

Instead of flipping teh fuck out and acting like a 12 year old yourself, you can help these young new faces that join Toribash into being mature and shit. Set a role for yourself, be a role model. It may be a game, but you can help influence a child that plays a game. You can give him/her life tips, and you can show him/her around the game.

Plus, most of you bitching about "NO NO PEWDIEPWN, NO 12 YEAR OLDS" you're probably 13-16 yourself, so you have no fucking room to talk and plus, you're being immature by not wanting kids to play this game.

Now, I want to hear others opinions about kids playing online games.
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I'm 12, turning 13 on June 19th. I previously did some shit on the forums, with plagiarism, I'm usually a shit poster, but not anymore. Yeah, I try to reverse that now, but people like ferras still whine about me being a "Prime example of a 12 year old", when I am making an effort to change. I agree, don't bitch about younger players than you.
etoria, a tip. If they bitch about you being young, they are younger than yourself since they are being immature for someone acting like their age. If a 12 year old started acting childish, I wouldn't bash him for it. Hell, he's only 12. That's how he is suppoused to act. My clan mate Calco aka Pr0Sk8z is 8, and I am teaching him how to be somewhat decent. If these "Mature" people like ferras and shit cannot be a role model for young new players, they should just quit TB since they are acting 12 themselves. It's pissing me off.
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
The problem doesn't arise from the complainers being immature. The problem is that said 12 year olds think they are more mature than they are. While it is annoying that Ferras is calling Etoria out for being childish previously, his frustration isn't unfounded. The average 12 year old is an entitled prick who thinks everything should be handed over to him on a silver platter and that everyone else on the internet, regardless of age, should bow down to him. People like Ferras aren't being assholes. They're trying to teach the 12 year old that he isn't nearly as special as he thinks; a way of saying "welcome to the real world." And that's the problem with our entire generation, as unhappy as I am to be lumped in with the 12 year olds I despise so much. We're all narcissistic assholes, but the older ones have a slightly better grip on reality than those who are younger than them.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I agree that people are gettin annoyed about the 'maturity' and age of the newer players. Currently, I do not mind how old they are as long as they are interested in playing the game. As long as they are interested in playing it I am fine with them being around. However as stated by Hero in the other thread, if they do get out of hand there is always the possibilities to enlarge the workforce.

Anyhow, back to the main point. Yes, people are raging even though they wanted this game to have publicity; No, they didn't exactly think the age thing through; Yes, role models are needed and some people aren't exactly the best ones.

If this community wanted publicity and attention then it should be ready to take what the world is going to throw at it.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
It's more a maturity thing than an age thing in my opinion, some young people act just as mature as someone my age and you'd never know until you flat out asked them. However for the most part, personally I think they should wait a little longer before online gaming simply from the bad habits they'll pick up at such an influential age. Because no matter how many people try to be role models in online communities they'll always be outnumbered by trolls/exceedingly offensive people anyway, I mean who would want their 12 year old son to know what goatse is?.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post

Was you 12 once?

Is is possible to not have been?

Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
Did you ever play online games at 12?
YES, don't even try to lie. We all was young once and we all progressed to be mature.

No, I was play Crash and Spyro still. I found toribash when I was twelve, but did not play it do to its difficulty.

Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
Someone name off 1 game that does not have 12 year olds playing it.... YOU CAN'T!!!

This is honestly like saying "Name a movie at least one 12 year old has seen"
You cant honestly say, and more so we are focusing on the fact that the 12
year olds will play for about a day before going back to some easy game.

Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post

Instead of flipping teh fuck out and acting like a 12 year old yourself, you can help these young new faces that join Toribash into being mature and shit. Set a role for yourself, be a role model. It may be a game, but you can help influence a child that plays a game. You can give him/her life tips, and you can show him/her around the game.

Because the internet is the best place to find role models. It's also a great place for asking about life tips, no one would ever troll you with bad advice.

Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post

Plus, most of you bitching about "NO NO PEWDIEPWN, NO 12 YEAR OLDS" you're probably 13-16 yourself, so you have no fucking room to talk and plus, you're being immature by not wanting kids to play this game.

Yes, I'm 16, the point is that his fan-base is immature, and they would most likely constantly bomb bard us with how "great" he is.

So yes, the Pewdiepie phan-base seems like a real shit idea.
Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
It's more a maturity thing than an age thing in my opinion, some young people act just as mature as someone my age and you'd never know until you flat out asked them. However for the most part, personally I think they should wait a little longer before online gaming simply from the bad habits they'll pick up at such an influential age. Because no matter how many people try to be role models in online communities they'll always be outnumbered by trolls/exceedingly offensive people anyway, I mean who would want their 12 year old son to know what goatse is?.

This. All of this. The problem is that the "typical" 12 year olds vastly outnumber those few who are actually decent, and therefore those decent ones get lumped in the group and ridiculed with the rest.
Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
Did you ever play online games at 12?

I actually didn't, due to a sheltered home, and parents not wanting to spend money on the same thing my next door neighbor had.
Last edited by hawkesnightmare; May 23, 2014 at 02:06 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
The average 12 year old plays video games though, that's what I ment by playing games at the age of 12.

But still, I just don't understand the logic anymore. You guys want the game popular, but you don't want no kids/immature people... It's the internet, we cannot force stop people that come, only ban. That's why we have staff, to keep the crazy immature ones away from the game, and keep the decent kids here.
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