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[tex] IWillEatYou?
Program: Gimp




What do you think of it guys?
Its already sold, but i am not satisfied with the feet and, maby you will have any idea of improving it (I want to send the buyer improved foot as a gift :>)
From what I see, that's a pretty nicely made set. You're pretty good at laying all of your stuff down and I enjoy the style you've made it in. If you'd like us to critique the feet though, please take a closer picture of them so that their detail could be seen.

The tiny critiques I have is I'd like to see more smooth shadowing on the shirt and pants you made, especially at the transitions so they would fit better in with the rest of the set. Shadows also help finalize a concept and "help it pop" for lack of a better term

Overall I like the set and would be pleased were I the one buying it. Good work
endless around, infinite within. you step.
yeh what rekd said

the shirt looks like its under his skin cuz the shadowing makes false looking but otherwise i love the head texture and the whole concept
in my opinion the only thing that was made is hands the shirt is c/p and you can tell also the skin is easy to make anyways good work keep it up and train more on the voyd parts and head cause the quality of the head isnt like the body

Welcome me back maybe?
Thank you experts, I couldnt have heard a better complement than the one saying my drawings look soo good, you thought they were c/p. None of things drawn on this set was copied from any source.
oh really?
nothing but the skin texture overlay, the ears (straight from the reference) and the shirt design right?

i wonder how much more I'll find if I keep on searching google.

Last edited by BenDover; May 21, 2014 at 12:39 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Don't be mean Ben. It's cool you made the hands almost perfect but don't know how to do feet? It's the exact same concept as hands...
I would suggest that you add all the stock images used to the first post, so we can avoid quarrels.

If you don't, I'll have this closed and you might as well just be infracted for plagiarism, as you did claim it to be 100% you, which it clearly isn't as proven by BenDover.

Originally Posted by Mapleleaf View Post
Art Board Rules
Follow these or you will get infracted and/or banned
- Plagiarism is not tolerated and is a bannable offense.

Fenris, BenDover
I cant add pics I used. Thats cause I see this image that bendover posted for the first time ever. And I didnt used them.

If my work is a plagiarism, then this: is a plagiarism of her face
and maby even this


of this:


Cause in both cases the tehnique is the same. You see something you draw it. You see a tree, you draw a tree. There is no way you can call it plagiarism.

i got request to create shirt like that so i took the color from shirt, and then drew flowers, which were supposed to look like those on shirt (not like those on your picture, sorry ben, you have to improve your detective skills). I am sorry for you bendover if things like redrawing visible objects are that hard for you, that you accuse me of c/p.

Bendovers flowers are sharp, mine - not so sharp. I should still have layers somewhere ( of a raw white flower drawing - my drawing)

it really is not so hard to drew something to look like something else. Thats the point of drawing, isnt it? If an artist draws a king, noone says that picture is a plagiarism of kings face, c mon.

quality of the head is lower cause it was not included into the set.


I wasnt asking for concept, cause i know how to draw the feet. I meant more like how to decorate them ( what types of scars, bones shit or dirt would look good)
Well feet usually have toes so start with that. Then add the same scar you have pasted everywhere else, simple